Thursday, November 18, 2010

at least its sterile.

For some reason my 3 year old won't go to the bathroom at preschool.  He stayed a little longer than usual today to play soccer, so I am sure he was full of liquid.  After we parked in our garage I let him out and walked around to get my baby.  As I was unbuckling I heard it...Pee in the recycle bin. Our bathroom is literally 5 steps away.  boys. 

fun with FIRE...

Friday, November 12, 2010

winter one

This week Ian and I made a "christmas tree" out of a red tomato cage and a string of lights.  It is outside one of our windows for us to enjoy when it gets dark at 6pm.  I also was playing with exposure

I tried to write Ian's name.  Can you see it? 
Ian again

tornado 2


Saturday, November 6, 2010


Mooch OFF Society is a club consisting of me and Jodie (my good friend from college).  Other people are totally welcome, but for some reason no one else had the desire to join.  hmmm.
We loved getting free stuff...That is the basis for this "club".  Halloween was our favorite holiday, because there is soooo much free stuff to acquire.  We also loved bridal shows and stuff like that.  Well, today my family and I enjoyed a M.O.F.F.S. event.  The Hen House Holiday Celebration is definitely M.O.F.F.S. worthy.  Here is a picture of our spoils!    

Our kid decorated a cookie! Beautiful.

Monday, November 1, 2010

great day and a happy halloween

Paul's 33 year picture. 

Free chairs from church!.

made scones for our neighborhood party!

Neighborhood party!!  Fire and monster.
I am Tonks-from Harry Potter.  Nobody knew who that is....still awesome. Trick or Treat.

Playing with uncle Joe and cousin Austin

Christmas Decor!  Is it too early!?